Online Journal Publishing Software


Accept/ Reject Manuscripts. Publish & archive Issues

  • Automates the entire journal publishing process – from manuscript submission to the final journal publication.
  • User-Friendly Interface for editors to control the entire editorial and publishing process
  • Designed to reduce the time and complexity of the editor for improved efficiency of manuscript editing process.
  • Helps the internal peer reviewing. The editor can reject/send for revision or review quickly. All it takes through our Online Journal system is a few mouse clicks
  • Provides commenting and rating facility on manuscripts
  • Eases decision making for the Editors:
    • Reject Manuscript
    • Publish Manuscript
    • Review Manuscript
    • Revise Manuscript

Quick & Easy online article submission & tracking

  • Easy Manuscript Submission process by providing a user-friendly interface to authors
  • Online Registration for easy login to the scientific researchers.
  • Helps authors to submit their research papers online free to International Journals
  • The incomplete research papers can be stored and resumed later within the journal software
  • Providing journal authors the facility to suggest reviewers of their choice through the online Journal management software
  • Notifies every time the manuscript receives feedback from the editorial members or the peer reviewers
  • The Research scholars can view the rating and comments given by international editors and reviewers
  • Reviewers can send manuscript revisions easily through the online Journal software with a single mouse click
  • Real-time tracking of research articles by email notifications or logging in to the online Journal management system.

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Amazing offerings for online Journals
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