E Journal Templates - Custom

Templates for Journals with customized websites

Beautiful templates Stunning, strong performing, website Templates – each of them handcrafted for you. Your Journal – your design.

Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences

Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences (JEBAS) is an online platform for the advancement…

International Journal of Advance in Scientific Research and Engineering, India

The International Journal of Advance in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE) is a scholarly peer-reviewed,…

International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research, India

The International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR) is aimed at providing a platform…

International Journal of Health Sciences and Technology

The International Journal of Health Sciences and Technology (JHST) is a multidisciplinary Journal covering all…

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Innovative Research

IJPSIR is a worldwide multidisciplinary, quarterly, open access, peer-reviewed, online pharmacy journal. The aim of IJPSIR…

Emergent Life Sciences Research Journal

Emergent Life Sciences Research, an International Peer Reviewed Journal, publishes articles on significant findings across a…

International Journal of Research in Biosciences (IJRBS)

International Journal of Research in Biosciences (IJRBS) is an international peer-reviewed, online open access journal published quarterly in…

National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (NJBMS)

National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (NJBMS) is an indexed, peer reviewed medical journal published by…

International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment

International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment is a peer-reviewed international quarterly e-journal devoted…

International Journal of Clinical and Biological Science

International Journal of Clinical and Biological Sciences (IJCBS), is an international peer reviewed online journal which…

International Journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences

International Journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences is an online bi-monthly International journal in the world…

International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences

The "International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences"(IJPAES) is an international online journal quarterly…

Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion, India

Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion (JBSO) is a peer reviewed open access freely available Bi-monthly…

Rasayan Journal of Chemistry – An online journal

RASĀYAN Journal of Chemistry [RJC] signifies a confluence of diverse streams of chemistry to stir…

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